Building and fixing. It seems to be a part of our society that is slowly disappearing. There use to be a time when parents would teach there kids how to work with there hands. How to maintain a car, how to repair a house. How to take care of the stuff in your possession. Somewhere, we lost that. It seems now that society looks at working with your hands is for the lesser people.

No more! This 610GARAGE is an attempt to change that. To educate and to make building and fixing something that it has always been. Fun. So clear out your garage. It’s not for storage anymore. It’s for learning, building, and teaching.

Blog Newsletter

Social media sucks. Some people are on Instagram, some people on Facebook. Some people be leaving twitter while some people are on that new social media that, just shutdown. And yet, some others are just getting banned for political gain. But email, email. not horrible. Hay everyone has one, and it’s a lot harder for the thought police. So lets stay connected with a newsletter.

Newsletter has been disabled since we can’t have nice things. 😢


I started my channel to simply show the world what i have accomplished. I expected some people to like it, but never had any high expectations or visions of for my channle. It was more for me than anything else.

But, as my channle grew, so did I. And during this process, I saw something. People, don’t know anything! There seems to be this idea that working with your hands is for lesser people. Or maybe it’s that people don’t understand. So they don’t think that they are capable of building stuff. They fail at assembling ikea furniture, so they presume that they can’t assemble anything. I want to show them that they are wrong.

Sure, you have the maker community that seems to be doing this, but if I may be frank. The maker community is not geared for progression. It’s geared for art. If it dosn’t have to deal with the arduino or raspberry pi, the support falls off quickly. And there is always a push to makes stuff simpler, not to progress someone’s understanding and knowledge. The arduino is the perfect example of this. Don’t get me wrong. The arduino is great, but people simply stay on the arduino. There is no push to get people to more capable platforms. Like arm microcontrollers.

And when you get into welding, machining, fabrication, there is virtually no support from the maker community. And that’s what I want this channel to start. A community. Support for those who want to build, fabricate. Just to get dirty and work with there hands.

So don’t call me a maker. For this is not a maker movement. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to start a new movement. But there has been one for decades. It just never had a name. You know them as the people who just did it. Farmers, contractors, machinists, gear heads. These people just saw something that needed to be done, and did it. Without plans, engineers, or sometimes, the right tools. They didn’t have to read books, or use the internet. They were taught by there parents as they taught there kids. But somewhere, we lost that.

We lost the gratification of fixing our bikes. Of working on our homes. Of making something that we can truly call our own. We turned into a society that just uses, abuses, and throws away. Nomore!

We need to take back the garage. It is not for storage anymore. Its for building. Where we learn it, build it, and teach it.



Email me at info(at)

Replace “(at)” with the symbol @